Blog Archives

Regarding Previously-Open General Surgery Residency Slots

I’ve received a few emails recently asking whether there are still open General Surgery residency slots at Kaiser Permanente Fontana Medical Center (Southern California), a tip I mentioned in a March blog entry. Unfortunately, my contact says there is no funding for more slots and thus, the only applicants who might be considered now would be orphans (residents whose programs have folded and thus come with their own funding). Sorry for the news.


Residency Application Handout

I’ve received a few requests for the handout I created for the AMSA talk last month. If you would like a copy of my PDF “Don’t Let ERAS Kick Y’ERAS” please shoot me an email:



I received really bad advice when I was applying for residency: A dean told me that I would be working so hard, it wouldn’t matter where I lived. He said I should choose the most competitive program regardless of location.

I couldn’t disagree more. If you’re applying to medical school, residency, fellowship or a post bacc program, it’s essential to think about what will make you happiest. Usually, that means being near your significant other, family and friends. It might mean being in nice weather, near your religious community or in a place where you can continue your favorite hobby.

In case you don’t believe me, here‘s an article from the NYT to back me up.

As always, contact me for help.


About Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Finkel is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Medical School. On completing her residency at Harvard, she was asked to
stay on as faculty at Harvard Medical School and spent five years teaching at the world-renowned Massachusetts General Hospital.
She was appointed to the Assistant Residency Director position for the Harvard Affiliated
Emergency Medicine Residency where she reviewed countless applications, personal statements and resumes. Read more

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Listen to Dr. Finkel’s interview on the FeminEm podcast: