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Every Emergency Medicine Spot Filled in the 2012 Match

In the 2012 NRMP Match, all 1668 of the available Match positions in Emergency Medicine were filled. The fierce competition likely stems from a variety of factors – popularity of the field and the fact that currently, medical students apply to more residency spots than they had in years past.  Either way medical students need to understand that matching into EM is not easy. Having an early strategy, submitting optimal written materials, and interviewing well are critical.

Here‘s is an article in the Annals of Emergency Medicine regarding last year’s Emergency match.

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The Match

Congratulations to my residency applicant clients on your great success in the Match! Special kudos goes to those who applied successfully in very competitive fields.

I was also thrilled that even those with significant weaknesses in their candidacies presented themselves effectively in their written materials and interviews such that they matched well.

Now, go out and celebrate!

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About Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Finkel is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Medical School. On completing her residency at Harvard, she was asked to
stay on as faculty at Harvard Medical School and spent five years teaching at the world-renowned Massachusetts General Hospital.
She was appointed to the Assistant Residency Director position for the Harvard Affiliated
Emergency Medicine Residency where she reviewed countless applications, personal statements and resumes. Read more

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