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New Year’s Resolution: Ten Ways for Pre-Meds to Improve their Medical School Applications

It’s the beginning of the year and, therefore, a great time for pre-meds to redouble their efforts toward their medical school goals. This year applications to medical school increased 18%, so the process has gotten even more competitive.

As always, I recommend a very focused approach that allows you to do more of what you want and less of what you don’t. Think research will help your candidacy but don’t like being in the lab? Consider public health or clinical investigations. Think volunteerism will bolster your application but don’t like being one of a crowd in a group project? Start your own social justice initiative.

There are definitely necessary elements to any robust medical school candidacy (clinical experience, strong grades), but being a pre-med can also be fun, mind-broadening, and career-affirming.

Here are ten ways to improve your medical school application that will give you direction but also leeway to be a happy applicant – not just a strong one.

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Medical School Applicants: Here’s How to Hit the Ground Running

For those applicants looking forward to starting their medical education next August and those who just started a few months ago, here’s a piece called, “Setting the Right Goals During Medical School.” How do you set yourself up for a successful residency Match while avoiding burnout? This short piece will give you some ideas to chew on.

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New Year's Resolution: Ten Ways to Improve your Medical School Application

It’s the beginning of the year and, thus, a great time for pre-meds to redouble their efforts toward their medical school goals. As always, I recommend a very focused approach that allows you to do more of what you want and less of what you don’t. Think research will help your candidacy but don’t like being in the lab? Consider public health or clinical investigations. Think volunteerism will bolster your application but don’t like being one of a crowd in a group project? Start your own social justice initiative. 

There are definitely necessary elements to any robust medical school candidacy (clinical experience, strong grades), but being a pre-med can also be fun, mind-broadening, and career-affirming.

Here is an article that will give you direction but also leeway to be a happy applicant – not just a strong one. 

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A Medical School Applicant’s Secret Weapon

I heard a recent piece on NPR’s “All Things Considered” called “Uncovering A Huge Mystery Of College: Office Hours.” The broadcast argues that taking advantage of the opportunity to develop a one-on-one relationship with a professor can bolster a student’s college success. Yet, many college students are too nervous to attend office hours.

Despite what some students consider a nail biting experience, office hours for pre-meds are particularly important because they provide a means for professors to get to know students so that those faculty members can write strong letters of recommendation. I have a doctor friend who told me that he went beyond traditional office hours: During his undergraduate years, he got acquainted with a few professors by inviting them to lunch at his dorm. He had to call several times before one professor got back to him, but once they did have lunch, my friend’s opportunities really expanded. That professor realized my friend’s intellectual potential and good nature and offered him a position on an honor committee and a strong medical school recommendation.

As they say in the NPR broadcast, “… when you go to office hours, you’re actually letting the professors do their job.”

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Ten Ways to Improve your Medical School Application

Please check out my latest Student Doctor Network article here. Enjoy!

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About Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Michelle Finkel

Dr. Finkel is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Medical School. On completing her residency at Harvard, she was asked to
stay on as faculty at Harvard Medical School and spent five years teaching at the world-renowned Massachusetts General Hospital.
She was appointed to the Assistant Residency Director position for the Harvard Affiliated
Emergency Medicine Residency where she reviewed countless applications, personal statements and resumes. Read more

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